Cash-Based Physical Therapy

Continuity of Care

You will be consistently seen by the same PTs who understand where you’re at in the rehab process

Pay less in the long run

While most insurance deductibles vary from plan to plan, most deductibles easily run over $1000 before insurance will start paying. At Root we intend to see for only as long as you need it. Our tx frequencies don't follow the typical outpatient 3x/week for 4-6 weeks. We emphasize patient education so that our clients feel empowered and are able to have lasting carryover. 

Access to your Healthcare provider

Whether you’re unsure about how to progress you rehab program, or unsure how to perform a specific exercise, you can shoot as an email and we’ll get you the answers you need

Never Doubled book

We respect your time (and privacy)! You will never be doubled up with another client.